5 myths about quarantine and postpartum

Myths about quarantine and postpartum

There are many myths surrounding quarantine and postpartum, especially among older women. Generation after generation affirmations have been spreading on these issues, which in most cases they lack scientific evidence. You should not eat for two while breastfeeding, as that does not influence milk production. You should not wait a month to shower normally, on the contrary, you must take extreme hygiene from the first day to avoid possible infections.

Although these types of statements are made with all the love in the world, sometimes they can even be dangerous. Therefore, we are going to demolish some of those myths about quarantine and postpartum.

The first myth, the so-called quarantine

The term quarantine does not make exact reference to any of the postpartum processes. No, it takes no woman forty days to recover after giving birth, physically or emotionally. The physical transformation and hormonal imbalance is so brutal, it takes at least a year to get back to normal. Nor does quarantine mark the beginning of the return to sexual activity, since this depends in each case on the physical and emotional recovery of the mother.

If you have a small breast, you will not have enough milk


Milk production does not depend on the size of the breasts, therefore, the size of your breasts is irrelevant for you to feed your baby. Every woman is physically ready to breastfeed to your creatures, however, it is a complicated process that requires a lot of patience and help in order to establish a Breastfeeding successful

Breastfeeding is not a contraceptive method

This is another of the best known myths, in addition to dangerous if you don't want to get pregnant after giving birth. Breastfeeding is not a contraceptive method, although it is true that by following very specific advice, it can be effective. To do this, breastfeeding must be exclusive and on demand, without stopping overnight.

This is because the hormone prolactin, which is the one that increases during breastfeeding, prevents the ovulation process from occurring in the ovary. Although in some cases it may work, it is not a reliable method and in any mistake you can get pregnant without planning it.

No exercise during quarantine


Again the term quarantine wrongly marking a time. Each woman is completely different, as is her body, her pregnancy, her delivery and of course, her recovery. To exerciseYou just need to feel strong and readyYes, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor to make sure that you are physically prepared for it.

You just have to choose a suitable sport in this case, perform low-impact exercises so as not to further damage your pelvic floor. For example, swimming is one of the best and most complete sports you can do after giving birth. It will help you to strengthen all your muscles, improve the back pain that you will surely have and you will be able to recover your figure and emotional well-being much faster.

You can also practice yoga or Pilates, since they are disciplines completely compatible with this period of your life. Find a qualified professional to avoid possible damage, since any exercise that is not practiced can be harmful.

Do not dye your hair while breastfeeding

The same goes for nail polish, the chemical agents that are used for these products are not applied in a enough to reach the bloodstream. Neither during pregnancy can they affect your baby, nor during lactation can they alter the taste or quality of breast milk. Of course, whenever possible, choose those products that are as natural as possible.

Not only because they can harm you during the postpartum period, but the fewer chemicals and dangerous substances you introduce into your body, much healthier you will be.

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