Baby led weaning

BLW: prohibited foods

If you follow the BLW approach to feeding your baby, don't miss out on what prohibited foods you should consider.

Happy baby eating in high chair

Food ideas for a 1 year old baby

If you have a one-year-old baby and you don't know what to feed him, don't miss out on everything we have prepared for you in this article!

pacifiers feeders

Mesh pacifier

A mesh pacifier can be very useful to introduce our baby to solid and new foods without risks.

batch cooking

What is batch cooking

Do you know batch cooking and what are the great advantages? We tell you all this and more so you can plan.


Breastfeeding, health elixir

Discover all the benefits of breastfeeding. We help the baby to come out stronger and with less tendency to be overweight, and even more...

Best mixed breastfeeding bottle

Best mixed feeding bottle

We explain everything you need to know about this breastfeeding option, in addition to the best bottle for mixed breastfeeding.

what is a veiled birth

What can a 6 month old baby eat

We tell you what a 6-month-old baby can eat so that he grows healthy and healthy. Do not miss also what are the prohibited foods.

Rich children's dishes

Dinners that children like

If you have run out of ideas, we leave you with some in the form of dinners that children like and which they will not be able to refuse.

breakfast baby 1 year

Baby breakfast 1 year

We bring you a series of easy and simple breakfast recipes for 1-year-old babies, all with healthy and natural ingredients.

When the baby is stuffed

When the baby is stuffed

How to know when the baby is stuffed? It can be difficult but with the tips described we can easily recognize it.

Chamomile in pregnancy

Chamomile in pregnancy

Chamomile in pregnancy can have many beneficial effects, as it is relaxing and has a digestive effect.

To breastfeed

How to stop breastfeeding

Stopping breastfeeding is a very important and personal decision. You must always do it respectfully so as not to harm the baby.

What is it to be celiac?

Being celiac means that you suffer from the disease called celiac disease, which is intolerance to the protein in cereals, gluten.

Foods in lactation

Forbidden foods in lactation

Some foods are prohibited during lactation, such as chocolate, caffeinated beverages, alcohol or ultra-processed products.

vegetables for the baby

Vegetables for a 6 month old baby

The best vegetables for a 6-month-old baby are those that are easy to digest and those that present the least risk of allergy and intolerance.

When to give the baby water

When can a baby drink water?

When can a baby drink water is a very common question among new parents, as well as other questions related to food.

Benefits of bananas for children

Benefits of banana in children

Do you know the benefits of banana in children? We tell you about the great advantages that a fruit like this has for your diet.

Weekly menu

How to make a weekly menu

Learn to make a weekly menu easily and simply, so you can save time in the kitchen and money on the purchase.

What can a 5 month old baby eat

What can a 5 month old baby eat

Find out what a 5-month-old baby can eat. He will start with his fruit and cereals and for this you will be able to understand much better how to offer it to him.

Obesity symptoms in children

How to know if my child is obese

To find out if your child is obese, the pediatrician uses the percentile tables since the age and sex of the child are taken into account.

Feeding children in summer

Feeding children in summer

These tips will help you maintain a correct diet for children in summer, a time of changes that affect nutrition.

Eating healthy in the second trimester of pregnancy

Recommended diet in pregnancy

The stage of pregnancy is synonymous with taking care of yourself and maintaining a recommended diet. You have to put all your love in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Spinach puree

6 recipes with spinach

We give you some very easy and irresistible recipes with spinach. Some camouflage this vegetable and others enhance its color. Take good note!

Christmas menu for all ages

At the Christmas tables, all ages, children, grandparents, adults, adolescents ... We propose a Christmas menu for everyone.

Ideas for healthy family dining

Ideas for healthy family dining

There are always good ideas for a healthy family dinner. Do you want to know some delicious and healthy dishes? I tell you about them.

How to defrost breast milk

When thawing breast milk, it is very important to avoid methods that can damage the composition and value of this special food.

How to teach children to eat

Teaching children to eat is teaching to promote their autonomy, their independence and so that they know how to cope in any situation.

Healthy dinner ideas for kids

For dinners to be healthy, nutritious and fun, we have to know what the children ate that day. We give you ideas to surprise them.

water in babies

When to give a baby water

Water is an essential element for our lives and its intake in babies can have serious consequences if we do not know up to what age to supply it.

The worst foods for children

The 5 worst foods for kids

We show you the 5 worst foods that children can eat, products that do not provide anything healthy and that seriously damage their health.

Breastfeeding vs baby bottle

Breastfeeding vs bottle, which is the best option for your baby? We help you solve this common question among future mothers.

baby eat

My baby does not want to eat

If you have realized that your baby does not want to eat, the first thing you have to do is not force him ... And then, we give you some tips!

Superfoods for kids

Superfoods for kids

Superfoods are those that provide certain essential nutrients that children need to grow strong and healthy

Rice cereals for babies

Fish porridge for babies

Fish porridge is introduced into the baby's diet around 10 months, it is a very beneficial food, essential for its development

Baby's first porridge

Porridge with breast milk

On numerous occasions we have talked about the many benefits that breast milk offers for babies. In fact, today ...


How to make more breast milk

The vast majority of new mothers tend to feel concern and doubt about their production of breast milk. Especially during ...

Feeding at 12 months

Baby feeding at 12 months

By the first year, the introduction to food is practically complete. The baby will start to eat the same foods as the rest of the family

Complementary feeding at 9 months

Baby feeding at 9 months

Complementary feeding can be challenging for many parents, but it is not much easier for the baby. Used to…

baby food

Things a baby should not take

It is the responsibility of parents to know if our children are well fed and nourished. We tell you what things a baby should not take.

pass breast to bottle

How to go from breast to bottle

You may go back to work or have decided not to breastfeed anymore. We leave you some tips on how to go from the breast to the bottle.

Pancake decorated with fruits simulating a face of a mouse.

Fun breakfasts to face the school day

All parents care about the welfare of their children. Taking care of your diet to not only be well physically but emotionally is a priority. A The child must face the school day with enthusiasm and energy, so preparing fun breakfast dishes will make it more palatable.

Little girl having a snack

6 fun snack recipes for kids

Snacks should be healthy and nutritious for children, but you can also prepare them in a more fun and attractive way for the little ones

Selection of healthy and nutritious seasonal fruit poles.

9 refreshing and easy menus to take to the beach

When summer has come, family getaways to places where you can cool off and have fun with the children are more common. Going out for a picnic on the beach is with the arrival of summer it is common to eat with the family on the beach, so refreshing menus have to be prepared and easy to prepare for children.

store breast milk

How to store and use expressed breast milk?

Once breast milk is expressed, you must store and preserve it. We tell you how to store and prepare that milk in optimal conditions so that it maintains all its properties when giving it to your baby.

expressing breast milk

Keys to expressing breast milk

If you are breastfeeding, it is likely that at some point you will need to express milk. Discover the different techniques you can use and how to do it optimally.

Boy drinking water from a bottle

Hydration in infants and young children

As a mom, you have surely wondered how much liquid your child needs to drink, what dehydration is and how you can avoid it. Let's see what are the keys to hydration in babies and young children and the most frequent doubts on this subject.

Cut fruit

Cut fruit: how to prepare it to take it to school

How to prepare cut fruit so that it does not oxidize and your children have a healthy breakfast and snack at school recess. We give you some very practical tips to avoid oxidation and that the fruit retain its appetizing appearance for longer.

Teenagers eating hamburgers

Keys to eating for teens

Keys to eating for adolescents. Everything you need to know so that your adolescent's diet is healthy and balanced. The fundamental role of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in this stage.

Baby BLW

BLW vs Purees

BLW or mash? The time has come to introduce food into the baby's diet, we all know the crushing option, but do you know what BLW (self-regulated complementary feeding) consists of?