First test in pregnancy: what to expect

First pregnancy test

When the positive in the pregnancy test arrives, a long and unknown medical process begins which for most women (especially first timers) is completely overwhelming. It is completely normal to leave with doubts, fears and concerns, especially when knowing that throughout your pregnancy you will have to undergo various analyzes and medical tests.

During the first quarter comes the first avalanche of analysis, ultrasounds, etc, all of them tests that are part of the analysis of the first trimester of pregnancy. Although your midwife will duly inform you of this, so much information received can cause you not to remember well everything that you have been told. Therefore, we are going to see what that first analysis consists of so that you can solve all your doubts.

All the tests that your gynecologist, midwife or doctor who follows your pregnancy requests, are for check that both your health and that of your baby are in perfect condition throughout the entire pregnancy. Therefore, it is essential that you go to each and every medical appointment and that you perform all the tests that your doctor asks for without excuses.

Pregnant at the doctor's office

This is the only way to make sure your pregnancy is running smoothly. And in the event that something does not work properly, put the appropriate remedies as soon as possible. The first pregnancy test is very important, it shows the following parameters.

The first pregnancy test

Around week 12 of your pregnancy, you will have your first blood test. With this first extraction, analyze different issues such as:

  • Blood group: Necessary in case complications occur during pregnancy or at the time of delivery that require a blood transfusion.
  • Rh factor: There is a possibility that the continuity of the pregnancy is compromised by a Rh incompatibility. In the link that we leave you you will find all information about this problem.
  • A complete blood count: The values ​​of platelets, red blood cells or leukocytes among others are analyzed. With these values ​​you can determine if there is anemia, infections and other types of pathologies.
  • Serology: Through this study, diseases such as rubella, HIV or toxoplasmosis among others.
  • Screening or triple screening: It is the study that perhaps most frightens all parents, the one that analyzes whether there are signs of alterations such as Down's Syndrome. It is important to remember that this first analysis is not definitive. In the event that the levels are elevated, the specialist will request more specific tests with which it will be possible to determine if the baby has alterations or not.

Other tests of the first trimester of pregnancy

Blood test to pregnant

In addition to this first pregnancy test, the doctor will request other tests such as the following:

  • Urine analysis: The parameters of glucose, protein, nitrites among others are analyzed. In addition, the urine culture allows determining bacteria that a priori do not show symptoms but that can cause kidney infection.
  • An ultrasound: Ultrasound is the last test performed in the first trimester, around the 12th week of pregnancy. This is one of the most exciting ultrasounds since in it you will be able to hear your baby's heartbeat and see its silhouette inside you. In addition, the gynecologist will use the results of your analysis to check for signs of disorders such as the one mentioned. The specialist will perform a measurement called nuchal translucency (TN). In this measurement, the amount of fluid that accumulates in the neck of the fetus is observed. With the results of the triple screening, the indication of alterations such as Down syndrome is obtained.

We already know that the tests themselves don't seem too scary, what is really scary are the results of all of them. Nevertheless, closing your eyes to possible complications will not help you in nothing and much less your baby. Face all of them with positivity and with the illusion of seeing your baby grow and develop.

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