How should be the diet of the future mother

Diet in pregnancy

Since the pregnancy begins, the woman's body undergoes metabolic changes. At each stage of pregnancy, nutritional needs vary that the future baby requires. Therefore, it is important to take into account certain recommendations so that the feeding during pregnancy is correct.

It would even be convenient to have certain forecasts before starting the search. Whenever possible if the pregnancy is planned. If so, we must start with a vitamin supplement of folic acid, vitamin B9 and iron. This will be directly prescribed by your doctor.

As for food, in the months before pregnancy, it will be enough to eat a varied and balanced diet, avoiding alcohol and tobacco useThis way the body will eliminate toxins before the desired positive arrives.

Once the pregnancy arrives, the vitamin complex is maintained, since it is important for the correct development of the fetus, thus avoiding possible malformations. They will even last until after delivery until recommended by your midwife.

Feeding during pregnancy

During the first trimester, digestion slows down and nausea discomfort appears. The normal thing is that during these weeks, little weight is gained since the fetus is still very small and does not demand more nutrients than your body normally needs.

For now you only need To eat a balanced diet, which includes animal protein. The most recommended as in any diet, are lean meats, chicken or turkey and fish. Includes a source of protein at every meal.

Consume carbohydrates, bread, rice or pasta daily. And control the consumption of fats. Always use extra virgin olive oil, taking care of the quantities. Also highly recommended is the consumption of nuts and oily fish, which provide extra omega 3 fatty oils.

Don't forget the calcium intake, although until the second trimester it is not necessary to increase the consumption that you normally carry. It will be fundamental in the feeding during pregnancy.

Most importantly, don't limit your intake of fruits and vegetables. They are essential to cover mineral and vitamin needs, in addition provide large amounts of fiber, necessary to prevent constipation.

The diet from the fourth month to the end of pregnancy

From the fourth month of pregnancy, is when increases caloric expenditure, so it will be necessary to contribute more amounts to cover these energy needs. You should therefore increase the amounts of certain foods. Have some more bread daily and more protein in slightly larger portions.

At this time you must increase calcium intake, you can have more milk or more dairy products. Do not neglect the consumption of iron, for this, take legumes often although you can also find it in mussels, eggs or red meat.

A tip to get extra iron: whenever you take for example lentils, have an orange for dessertIn this way, the iron they contain is better assimilated.

Even if you are taking the vitamin complex that your doctor will prescribe, it is also essential that you supplement it naturally with your diet. Fish and shellfish provide iodine, a mineral that you must include in your feeding during pregnancy.

Other important recommendations

Avoid the consumption of coffee, soft drinks and other excitements such as chocolate. You should not take large fish such as tuna or swordfish, due to their high mercury content, which is not recommended for the baby. Delete during pregnancy raw foods such as sushi or tartare.

You should also remove the dairy products that are not pasteurized, like some cheeses or meringues. Regarding toxoplasmosis, you can have Iberian ham as long as it is of high quality, as the healing process eliminates this bacteria.

If you are not sure of the quality, you can always freeze it beforehand and thus avoid risks. You should also be especially careful with fruits and vegetables, wash them very well before consumption.

Pregnancy and exercise

Especially, Drink a lot of water and avoid drinking sugary drinks such as juices, or soft drinks, which only provide empty calories. And don't forget the importance of gentle exercise throughout your pregnancy, walk one hour a day will suffice

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