Tea During Pregnancy, Is It Safe To Drink?

Is it safe to drink tea in pregnancy?

During pregnancy it is necessary to take many precautions regarding care and lifestyle. Many of these habits will have to change or alter during these months, for the sake of your own baby and even your own health. Food is key in pregnancy, not only because it can affect you directly, but because everything you take can positively and negatively influence the health of your baby.

Tea is one of those products that is usually taken regularly, every day more people drink teas and other infusions throughout the day. In most cases, in normal states, this practice is completely healthy and recommended. However, during pregnancy you are healthy infusions can become a serious problem.

Can you drink tea during pregnancy?

In principle, there are many infusions that are composed of ingredients that are completely recommended during pregnancy. So you could take them without any problem, although it is preferable that before taking anything on your own you consult your doctor. It is possible that you have some pathology or some peculiarity that is contrary to the components of teas and you may not take some of them. Talk to your midwife or the doctor who follows your pregnancy and so you can take anything without risk.

Licorice root infusion

The teas that you should avoid drinking during your pregnancy, are all those that contain theine or caffeine, which is the same. Read the labels of the containers very well, since in many cases you can find teas that may seem harmless but among their components there is a certain percentage of caffeine. This stimulant is very dangerous during pregnancy, so you must take it with great caution and at very low levels.

They are also dangerous because prevent the body from properly absorbing essential nutrients like calcium or iron. This is because they contain a substance called tannins, which act as antinutrients In many cases, don't miss this link where we tell you more about it.

In addition to teas that contain caffeine, you should avoid drinking infusions that contain the following ingredients:

  • Regaliz
  • Rhubarb
  • Valerian
  • Ginkgo Biloba

All these plants contain different substances that can harm the good progress of your pregnancy in different ways. In this link you will find very complete information about those teas and infusions that you should eliminate of your diet during pregnancy, as well as those that are allowed during this period.

Teas and infusions allowed during pregnancy

If you are a lover of teas and infusions, do not fear, although there are many that you should not take for the reasons mentioned, there are mmany plants that you can infuse and take with peace of mind during your pregnancy. These are the teas you can drink (remember to tell your doctor before taking any infusion):

Infusions in pregnancy

  • Chamomile: This infusion has been consumed since time immemorial, widely used in many cultures for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is an infusion that it will help you improve digestion, on the other hand very complex during this period. You can take an infusion of chamomile after meals and before sleeping, you will notice the relaxing effects.
  • Rooibos tea: One of the teas allowed during pregnancy, it is an infusion based on cinnamon and vanilla that you can mix with milk or vegetable drinks. Ideal to take during the winter, it will help you relax and its flavor is great.
  • Ginger tea: Ginger it is highly recommended during pregnancy for its many benefits. The ginger and lemon infusion will help you increase your defenses and thus protect you from colds or infections in the throat. It will also help you reduce the typical discomforts of the first months of pregnancy, since ginger helps to mitigate fatigue, nausea and heartburn.

Still, it is not recommended to take more than three infusions each day. So try to limit consumption to those times when you need it most, such as after meals or before sleeping.

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