Tips to avoid premature labor

It is important to have a strict control of the pregnancy to avoid premature delivery. Although there are different stages, premature labor is considered to be that which occurs between weeks 21 and 37 of gestation. What care must be taken during pregnancy to avoid premature birth?

There is no single rule as there are several factors that can influence the triggering of labor prematurely. That is why we will dedicate ourselves to delving into the risks of preterm birth in order to take the necessary precautions and avoid problems.

When we talk about a premature birth

Although when speaking of a premature birth, reference is made to those deliveries that occur between weeks 21 and 37Within this time parenthesis there is a big difference that, in many cases, can mean life and death or possible long-term consequences.

When a labor is triggered Before the 21st week of pregnancy, we are no longer talking about preterm labor but about an abortion, and in these cases only a few babies manage to survive since the fetus is not sufficiently developed to survive outside the uterus. The cases in which this occurs are exceptional and that is why they are news of the day.

On the contrary, when a labor extends beyond week 42 it is a late labor and it is when the obstetrician recommends an induction to avoid possible dangers.

The dates are not accidental and are closely related to the fetal development and chances of survival outside the womb. If a baby is born after the 37th week of pregnancy, it is considered that it is well developed to survive even when the ideal would be 40 weeks. In these cases, artificial help from medical centers is essential to accompany maturity outside the womb.

The importance of control

El routine medical monitoring is essential in any pregnancyor in this way it is possible to detect any problem or anomaly and thus avoid the risks of premature birth. Even detecting that there are many possibilities of this happening, we will always seek to delay the delivery as much as possible so that the fetus is born as mature as possible. The more time passes, the better chances of survival.

Between the risks of premature babiess are the:

  • brain problems
  • neurological problems
  • respiratory and digestive disorders
  • developmental delay
  • learning disability in childhood.
  • Prevention of preterm labor

How to avoid premature labor

If we talk about the care in pregnancy to avoid premature birthor the most important thing is to follow routine medical control and be watch out for possible bodily changes or to the registry of possible tummy pain and bloody vaginal discharge. Other sintomas of preterm labor are abdominal cramps, or severe pain in the lower back as well as pressure in the pelvic area.

It may also appear loss of amniotic fluid or detect frequent and regular contractions, with an average of more than 5 contractions in an hour. These symptoms speak of an imminent delivery and that is why it is important to urgently consult a doctor.

If the contractions are very frequent, it is best to lie on the left side, and count the frequency of them. According to the studies, the doctor will make the necessary recommendations trying prolong pregnancy as long as possible through a serene life, rest and avoid sexual intercourse. This will help prevent premature labor.

Finally, food is another point to consider. Make a nutrient-rich diet avoiding fried foods and heavy foods. Drink plenty of fluids, at least two or three liters a day for hydration It is a fundamental part of the gestation period.

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