Can you exercise while pregnant?

pregnant pilates

If you are an athletic person or would like to start taking care of yourself when you find out that you are pregnant, it is normal to have doubts about whether it is good or not to do sports in your state. Today we want to help you clarify certain doubts about whether you can exercise while pregnant.

You can exercise while pregnant

The answer is yes, albeit with nuances. If you have a normal pregnancy in principle you can exercise, adapted to your state obviously. There are many benefits to doing sports during pregnancy that I will tell you about below. In any case, ask your doctor if you can exercise in your case and which one would be appropriate in your case. Every woman is different and not all pregnancies are the same.

Many people put their hands to their heads when they see a pregnant woman exercising. The truth is that there is nothing wrong, quite the opposite, as long as there is no problem that prevents it. It has been shown that not only exercise is good for the mother but also for the baby. The heart rate is much more stable in babies of mothers who have exercised at least 3 times a week than those who have not done anything.

The exercises that come in handy during pregnancy are the low impact exercises (for example walking) and gentle exercises such as pilates or yoga adapted for pregnancy. We should avoid rough, intense exercises or where you can injure yourself, and look better for those that are more fluid and smooth. Drink water, rest between series and do not force our body or carry weights. If you feel unwell during exercise, quit. Follow your intention, exercise has to make you feel good and not exhausted.

We must take into account when choosing the exercise our preferences and habits. If you have never exercised you can start walking and if you already exercised you can adapt it to your state, especially when the months go by and your belly grows more. Cycling is also very good until the fifth month, when the belly can become unbalanced. Swimming is another very good exercise and it is low impact. Analyze your preferences and choose according to your tastes.

sport pregnancy

Exercise in pregnancy

We already know the benefits that sport has on our body and mind. It makes us more active, lowers anxiety levels, increases or maintains bone density, improves flexibility, reduces the feeling of fatigue, regulates blood pressure, releases endorphins and improves your physical resistance among other benefits. You may have exercised before or that you would like to start taking care of yourself with pregnancy to recover before pregnancy. Whatever your situation, you should read this article.

With a pregnancy, our body begins to change from the moment the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. They begin a series of hormonal changes to prepare the life that is growing within us. The first changes are not visible at all, but the machinery has already been put into operation.

Exercising will notably improve the back pain of pregnancy., it will make you feel better, it will allow you to recover sooner, it will increase the amount of oxygen in your body and that of your baby, it helps you prevent stretch marks, it reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, it will make you feel better, it will improve your cardiovascular system, it will help control weight, prepare your body for childbirth, and help you rest better. All are advantages!

If you have any questions about whether the sport you do or want to do is good for your baby, consult with your doctor. It is the one that will best know how to tell you according to your particular case if it is suitable or not, or better to change it for a softer one.

Because remember ... exercising regularly is very good for both you and your baby, as long as your doctor does not indicate otherwise.

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