How organs move during pregnancy

movements organs pregnancy

The woman's body is an impressive machine that, thanks to subtle small changes, allows the miracle of life. Changes that begin as soon as the fertilized egg is implanted in the woman's uterus. Some changes that are created in our body are visible and others not so much, such as organ movements during pregnancy. Today we want to talk about how the different organs move so that you know a little more how the amazing machinery of our body works.

Changes during pregnancy

As we have seen before, the changes in the woman's body begin as soon as the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. From that moment, the hormones in our body begin to function so that a new life can grow and develop within us.

The physical changes that occur during the first trimester are very subtle or they may not even be noticed. It is from the second trimester when the fetus increasingly occupies more space and moves the organs. The belly is already more than evident and you will begin to feel the first kicks of your baby.

Your baby will need more and more space. This need for extra space for the baby means that in addition to the belly, the organs have to expand. In addition, the skin is stretched up to 10 times more to accommodate its new volume. Its care is important to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Do not miss the article "7 tricks to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy".

organs pregnancy

How organs move during pregnancy

With pregnancy, some changes are orchestrated in your body, among them is the displacement of your organs within your body. Of the organs, the first one that expands to make room for the baby is the uterus. As the uterus grows the organs that surround it (intestines, liver, belly, lungs) they are moving up to make room.

From week 10, the intestine (both thick and thin) they are compressing and moving up until it is at stomach level. The stomach is also affected, which is why digestions are much slower and heavier, although it assimilates less food, and this can also cause heartburn. The appendix also rises almost to the ribs, and the liver is also displaced.

As the digestive system rises, the lungs also compress which gives the feeling of shortness of breath that is felt during the last months of pregnancy. The bladder is also pressured by the enlarged uterus, which makes pregnant women need to urinate very frequently.

After delivery the organs are repositioned slowly to its original place and returning to its original size in perfect harmony. The uterus itself after childbirth undergoes contractions (can be quite painful) to regain its size and place.

With the added weight that is taken during pregnancy, your back also undergoes important changes. Its curvature varies throughout pregnancy to counteract the increase in the belly. Your center of gravity changes, and this can give you quite a bit of back pain. Taking care of your back is important to prevent muscle aches so normal during pregnancy that it brings so much discomfort. That's why it is fit is essential to maintain good habits during pregnancy, like exercising moderately on a regular basis and controlling your weight so you don't gain too many kilos.

And this is how the perfect machinery of the woman's body works to bring new life into this world. The miracle of life seen from within. Pregnancy brings a series of important changes that it is good to know in order to value our body more. Because remember ... a woman's body is physically prepared to deliver your baby perfectly, in a series of complex movements and changes.

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