The role of the maternal grandmother during pregnancy

The role of the maternal grandmother during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an emotional and physiological state that all women must face. It is not known until you are pregnant in what state you can find yourself and how it will be bearable. Having family support and the maternal grandmother during pregnancy is a fundamental psychological support process.

Good company during pregnancy gives the mother a great seat and it shows in her mood, which will be excellent for the health of the future baby. The role of the maternal grandmother during pregnancy makes it count as a very important social support and It will make you see how she experienced hers long before.

The role of the maternal grandmother during pregnancy

The emotional situation of a woman during pregnancy it is essential for the good development of the baby. If here we have the emotional part of a mother, this will give shelter to you feel loved and to be cared for by such a representative family member.

Women who feel protected and cared for during their pregnancy by their family environment have scientifically proven that They came to give birth to heavier children. If the mother is cared for with a good accompaniment, stress hormones will be protected against postpartum depression.

With the good advice and that good harmony and stability, the woman feels much better, so she watches over all prenatal care and even her feeding system is more balanced.

Here the role of the maternal grandmother will be more closely linked to that of the future mother. What a pregnant woman requires the most throughout her pregnancy is the love and support of all the people around her and above all that she is not judged by anything.

The role of the maternal grandmother during pregnancy

What advice can they provide

Surely, first of all is to make an evaluation of what a pregnancy and the future baby will represent. It will be so exciting for them that they will probably fill us with tips and ideas. They have to participate in the best company from the first days, during their pregnancy and until the moment of delivery in the hospital.

You can help with the choice of accessories and dresses that your future baby will need. Surely you have a crafty mother and she goes out of her way to do something with her hands. There are mothers who even make use of old clothes and belongings that they had kept in an endearing way.

Maternal grandmother It has to give space so that the future mother can manage all the emotions and her tastes, she has to discover her instinct. It is important to keep the intimacy you may have with your partner, especially after delivery.

The role of the maternal grandmother during pregnancy


Some recommendations

All outside councils are fine, but sometimes It can be taken as an overprotection and we cannot like it. Many of the comments that you can contribute may not be very well measured. That is why they can reach doubts and conflicts arise.

Many of the explanations that the grandmother can provide may be overloaded, which is why when complex doubts arise, it is best to consult your doctor or midwife. They will know how to respond more objectively.

Make sure respect is always maintained. The body goes through a moment of hormonal change and does not allow emotions to be managed very well leading to mood swings. It is important that any family member must respect him and especially the maternal grandmother. What's more it is very valuable to maintain family intimacy.

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