38th week of pregnancy

38 weeks

The uterus now weighs more than one kilogram and contains about five liters of amniotic fluid. The hormones will relax the pelvic joints that connect the bones to each other, it can be painful. You will continually feel tired, the nausea may reappear, but in spite of everything you will have a strong desire to do a thousand things at home.

You will soon lose the mucous plug. In the event that your water breaks, you should go immediately to the hospital, because the baby will no longer be protected in its sterile space and could be affected by an infection. If you have painful and regular contractions (every 5-10 minutes) and your belly is hard, without a doubt, labor has started. If they are not painful and regular it will be a false alarm. If you don't feel the baby's movements or he moves very little, you should go to the hospital.

Your baby is fully formed and his reflexes are coordinated. An almost black substance (meconium) has accumulated in their intestines due to the activity of their digestive system, after birth this substance will be eliminated, they will be their first feces.

Your liver no longer makes red and white blood cells, it will now be the bone marrow the one in charge of that task. Your brain is not yet fully developed, this organ will continue to mature for much of your life, until you reach adolescence.

Baby's weight and height

Weight: 3 kg. approx.

Size: 50 cm approx.

Remember that the information we give you in the weeks of pregnancy is treated in a general way, but each pregnancy and each baby develops at a different rate and you may find some small differences.

More information - Labor contractions When to go to the hospital?

Source - Famille actuelle

Photo - baby center

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