How to provoke labor naturally

Advance labor naturally

Since the midwife sets an end date for your pregnancy, what we call the probable due date, you mark that day on the calendar. As if it were an unavoidable appointment that you cannot miss. As the pregnancy progresses, you go seeing that date closer and each time you look forward to it. And suddenly, week 39 arrives and you are nervously waiting for the day of your blind date.

And the 39th week passes and nothing happens, and you thinking that your baby would be born earlier. Then you plant yourself in week 40 and the days go by and the nerves are growing. You know that nothing happens, since your midwife will surely have informed you that pregnancy can be extended up to week 42 maximum. But that wait is endless and it also increases the chances of having to perform a cesarean section.

Well, there are some home methods that can be used to try to cause labor. They are not scientific methods so they do not work in all casess. But these home methods have been used for centuries, when women did not give birth in hospitals. Nor were there drugs that mimicked hormonal substances, capable of causing childbirth.

Homemade methods of inducing labor

All that we are going to mention below are home remedies and tricks that you can use. Although you should always be monitored by your specialists, in case it is necessary to have medical help. Always follow medical recommendations. You should also being cautious and not wanting to advance the delivery prematurely. Keep in mind that the probable due date is a mere orientation.

There is no possible way to know exactly the days of gestation, that is why it is said that from week 38 to 42 you can give birth. If your baby has not yet decided to be born, it may be because he is not ready, so don't try to rush its natural process.

Walk, dance, move!

Surely you have heard it more than once, the movement favors the baby to descend into the birth canal and get into position. Therefore, walk as much as you can and if it is on uneven ground even better. Dancing can also help you in this process, others it will help you relax and think less at the time of delivery. If you go out for a walk, try not to do it alone when the delivery is near, in case you need someone to take you from the emergency room.

Relax and have a good laugh session

Anxiety is your worst enemy, when you are upset the body secretes adrenaline which is an oxytocin inhibitor. The latter is the hormone in charge of starting labor, therefore you must avoid stress and nerves so that oxytocin can do its job. Try to spend these last days calm, visualizing the moment when you meet your baby.

Meet with family and friends, look for moments of fun and laughter, will help you disconnect from everything that is to come.

Enjoy your partner, relaxed sex

Maybe at this point in your pregnancy you don't feel like it and your belly doesn't make the matter easy, but it has been proven that having sex helps cause labor. This is because sperm contains hormones called prostaglandins, which coincidentally are the hormones that are used to cause labor. Therefore enjoy the moment, practice relaxed sex, where the important thing is your partner and you. Think that maybe that is the last time you can have a moment of intimacy until after a few months.

Of course, it is important that the man ejaculate inside the vagina. If you also manage to reach orgasm, even better for many reasons. In this case because orgasm causes contractions in the uterus, so it can be a key point to induce your labor.

Take chocolate

Chocolate to induce labor

If you are a fan of chocolate, you will have taken it during your pregnancy, if so, you will also have noticed your baby more during those moments. This is due to chocolate contains natural stimulants that stimulate the baby. So give yourself a chocolate tribute, enjoy the moment and who knows, it may be the point that starts your delivery.

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