The benefits of guided meditation for pregnant women

Pregnant woman meditating

Pregnancy is challenging for women as it is a period full of important physical and hormonal changes. Practically since the beginning of pregnancy, the woman has to cope with the first typical discomforts, the changes in her body and the new feelings that are not easy to manage. On many occasions, anxiety and stress can make an appearance and this negatively influences the development of the baby.

It is very important to find ways to achieve relaxation, for this, you can resort to the technique you prefer. There are different ways to improve anxiety, although every woman is different and what works for one may not be as beneficial for another. One of the most recommended relaxation techniques in all cases, especially for pregnant women, it is guided meditation.

What is guided meditation?

Meditation is the term used to encompass a series of practices, designed to produce a relaxing effect or a specific state of mind, in the person who practices it. Although meditation is generally associated with Buddhism, there are indications of similar exercises in ancient Greece, Egypt, and even in Christian or Islamic societies.

Meditation in pregnancy

Meditation techniques that are known today are based on meditation practiced by Buddhist monks at the beginning of the first millennium after Christ. Through these exercises, the Buddhist monks sought to achieve the liberation of their spirit. So meditation, for centuries has been associated with different religious beliefs.

Fortunately, meditation techniques are used today as a way to reconnect with oneself, to control the stress of this society that goes a thousand an hour. In fact, specialists recommend meditation for all people, regardless of age or physical condition, due to the large number of benefits that this type of technique provides.

There are different types of meditation and it is best to start with guided meditation, since the more traditional techniques require some learning. For this reason, one of the most recommended, especially for pregnant women, is guided meditation.

Benefits of guided meditation for pregnant women

Guided meditation does not refer to a specific type of meditation, but to the way of practicing it. The term itself indicates it, Guided meditation is one that is done under the guidance from a specialist, from a video, an audio or any existing method. You can practice meditation anywhere you can have peace of mind, in the comfort of your own home or in a park where you can also add the magic of nature.

Guided meditation for pregnant women

The pregnancy becomes heavier as it progresses and this can cause episodes of stress. Meditation will help you manage these sensations and to prepare yourself better for the time of delivery. Some of the benefits of guided meditation are as follows:

  • It helps you to connect with your baby
  • It helps the little one to develop and grow healthy
  • You can control fears of childbirth and the situations that are to come
  • You will learn to control your breathing and this will help you manage the labor pains
  • You reduce anxiety and improves night rest
  • The baby's nervous system is fully developed
  • Stabilizes the heart rate and pressure levels arterial
  • Improve your concentration and your ability to relativize

Other relaxation techniques

These are just some of the many benefits of guided meditation for pregnant women, but the list is much longer depending on each person. Once you start practicing meditation, you will be able to improve your emotional state, which will help you control various situations throughout your life. In addition to meditation, you can practice other exercises that will help you manage stress and prepare for childbirth, such as yoga for pregnant women or Pilates.

You can start by dedicating about 10 or 15 minutes a day. On the Internet you can find audiovisual resources to get started in meditation. Start practicing meditation and in no time you will notice the benefits.

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