Outdoor activities with children

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ent5m5UsiA0&t=107s ¡Hola mamás! ¿ Que tal lleváis la entrada del otoño? Nosotras volvemos a proponeros actividades con La familia Pig se va de excursión nocturna a ver las estrellas ¡conseguirán ver alguna estrella fugaz y pedirle un deseo?

Boy drags his own rolling suitcase through the airport.

The fashion of the children's suitcase with wheels

A few years ago it was unthinkable that a small child could easily carry their own travel suitcase with wheels. Let's talk about the recent The child can use the children's suitcase on wheels and learn certain social skills, autonomy and responsibility.

6 years

6 years, age of change

The 6 years is considered the crisis of childhood adolescence. Find out what the changes and tips are for 6-year-olds.

newborn curiosities

Newborn curiosities

Babies are adorable, cuddly, and full of curiosities. Do not miss these curiosities of the newborns that you may not know.

Girl dreams of being a war that faces a beast.

Girls can also play heroines

The figure of the girl in society, despite having acquired a better position, continues to be distant from that of the boy in several points, a permanent sign when the immediate environment and society must work to give the girl more freedom and not emphasize gender roles no limitations.

Little kids playing

What is the Heuristic Game?

In nursery schools, activities designed for the development of children according to their age are carried out, one of the most efficient is the heuristic game

toxic parents

Characteristics of toxic parents

The parenting style you choose will affect your child for the rest of his life. Don't miss out on the characteristics of toxic parents.

Little girl playing outdoors, she feels happy and safe.

Awareness of non-violence in children

The issue of violence is an issue that affects us all. It is important to work and educate children from an early age of the sense of acting without hurting The work of parents and teachers is to educate the child in respect for others. It is convenient to make them aware of non-violence and provide them with tools.

Girl dreams of being a renowned photographer.

By profession I want to be ...

At present the number of professions and activities to be carried out have increased notably. Surely for a percentage of the population, about Children have their ideals of future job opportunities. Parents and teachers must pave the way for them and give them tools for their choice.

Children flying a kite

How to know if your child is an extrovert

There are parents who do not know if their children are extroverts or introverts, today you will know if your child is extrovert and what he needs to enhance his skills.

How to make a lipstick

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRYBROvOi-A&t=8s ¡Hola mamás! Seguro que muchas ya habréis experimentado la curiosidad que el maquillaje despierta en Con este didáctico juego aprendemos a elaborar nuestro propio pintalabios jugando a ser pequeños científicos ¡que divertido!

Girls in extracurricular ballet class

Extracurricular activities: how to choose the best option for my child?

In September it is time to choose the children's extracurricular activities for this course: sports, languages, music, workshops, etc. Choosing after-school activities for your children is not always easy. There are several factors to take into account so that the choice is the most successful.

pygmalion effect kids

Pygmalion effect in children

Did you know that through our expectations we can modify the behavior of others? Find out the power of the pygmalion effect in children.

Girl does her childhood homework alone.

Avoid the eternal struggle with homework

  Year after year children and parents have to face the backlog of tasks imposed at school. At home, parents must relearn various subjects. The constant struggle of parents and children continues when it comes to coping with time for homework, due to excess, misunderstanding, exhaustion, demotivation.

Children doing a common activity.

Learn to share come to kindergarten

Sharing is not easy for a young child. It is a way of socializing that you must learn little by little. At home, if he has siblings or with friends, When the child arrives at the nursery he will have to learn to interact with other children in a more constant way and therefore to work in groups and share.

Back to School

Back to school is about to begin

Back to school is about to begin ... and that means normality and routines! You need to make the transition right now, it will be easier!

Mother doing homework with her son

September Make-Up Exams: Crunch Time

September is just around the corner and some children will have to face make-up exams very soon. In summer it is Tips to help your child prepare for the September make-up exams during these last days of vacation.

We discovered the Baby Toys suitcase

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqCg0FuolPo&t=35s&pbjreload=10 !Hola chicas! ¿ Que tal el verano? Seguro que muy entretenidas con vuestros Conocemos todos los juguetes y complementos que trae nuestra muñeca en su maleta ¡que divertido! Podempos conocer nuevos juguetes y accsorios para bebés.

Child arriving at kindergarten

Benefits and Disadvantages of Nursery Schools for Children 0-3 Years

The start of the school year is approaching and some parents will be considering whether or not to opt for a nursery school. This is an important decision. Know the pros and cons of nursery schools from 0 to 3 years old to make a decision that is in harmony with your values ​​and lifestyle.

Mom, why can't I learn online instead of going to school?

Your kids may have asked you the question at the top of this article. (Mom, why can't I learn online instead of going? There are children who prefer to study from home, and they would love not to go to school. This in many countries is unthinkable during compulsory education.

Educate responsible adults with these standards in childhood

We live in an increasingly changing world, where children grow up with more permissiveness and less authoritarianism, but in reality both an extreme as the Children need to become responsible adults, but it will only be achieved if you educate them with rules in childhood.

First romantic relationships Preadolescence and adolescence is the time to initiate the first romantic relationships and begin to experiment in the world of love and sexuality. These first relationships can be very stressful, especially for a young person who is not yet ready to handle these types of emotions. To deal with this, it is important to talk with children about relationships, encourage them not to get too involved or complicate life and, above all, help them develop social skills and learn to manage their emotions to avoid unnecessary drama and conflict.

Teach your child to be an advocate, not a witness to bullying

Unfortunately today, there are many cases of bulliyng in schools where children become bullies, others victims and Bullying is everyone's business, so parents should teach to be a defender and not just witnesses. The witnesses are as guilty as the aggressor.

Happy boy

How to promote joy in children

Joy is one of the basic emotions of human beings. It favors communication, allows us to share the good moments of the day to day and generates We must promote joy in our children during their childhood, help them recognize it, know how to manage it, enjoy it and share it with others.

Woman who smiles in front of the sea, is photographed by her partner, who has just given her a bouquet of flowers.

The reason for my joy is you

As human beings, valuing and appreciating what is around or before the eyes can lead to more calmly accept moments lived and understand Feeling good with oneself, with the environment, valuing the good in life and not being afraid of being, translates in freedom, happiness and joy.

Do you want to know what teenagers like to read?

Reasons for making a behavior contract

A behavior contract is an excellent option for pre-adolescent children and adolescents to have a better behavior and that of Making a behavior contract with pre-adolescents is a good behavior modification strategy. They will be motivated to do it!

Two children hold hands while smiling.

The importance of friends in childhood

For children to establish friendships with other children is one of the main developmental tasks in early childhood. Friends, starting from Friends are necessary in people's lives from earliest childhood. Friendship must be healthy and healthy to be successful!

overcome shyness children

Is it okay to discipline someone else's child?

It is possible that one day while in the park you have thought about giving a reprimand to someone else's child because they have not been good to your child. But have you ever felt the need to discipline someone else's child? Is it right for you to do it or is it better to abstain?

Do you want to know how to promote a healthy development of child sexuality?

Reasons for inappropriate sexual behavior in children

Children can have inappropriate sexual behavior for a variety of reasons, but it will be necessary to inform yourself about it before being alarmed. There are times when children have inappropriate sexual behavior. In most cases it is due to ignorance, but you have to know what happens.

Girl reading

Homework in summer, yes or no? The eternal dilemma of parents

Summer has arrived and with it the children's holidays. It is the appropriate time to consider the eternal dilemma: homework in summer, yes or no? There are In summer children have many vacation days. Should they take advantage of the summer to do homework and not lose the routine or enjoy their free time?

read to children

How to improve your children's reading fluency

Reading is basic in the life of any person, children learn to read at an early age almost naturally. It is not a good idea to pressure them or Children need good reading fluency to understand the text well, which is essential for any area of ​​life.

different educational methods

Alternative pedagogical methods

Traditional education is failing, and alternative pedagogical methods are making their way in its place. Find out what they are.

We meet the funny Mr. Potato

We meet the funny Mr. Potato who is going to party in Juguetitos.Don't miss it! Together we will learn many things.

Confectionery with plasticine

Today we are playing at being cooks and learning how to make clay confectionery with this fun video of Little Toys, don't miss it!


The family is not born, it is made

Do not fall into the error of thinking that all bond is biological, love is something that you cultivate every day. Here you will learn ways to show your love in the most beneficial way for your child.

Colored sensory bottles

Sensory bottles for children: you can make them yourself

Sensory bottles are an ideal resource to awaken the curiosity of the little ones and stimulate their senses, especially sight and hearing. They are very easy and inexpensive to make. Babies will be delighted with them and the older ones can help you prepare them.

The treasure basket: fun and stimulation for the baby

The treasure basket is an exploration game that offers a wide variety of stimuli to your baby to enhance the development of their senses. It is about preparing a basket with everyday objects, different from traditional toys, and offering them to the baby so that they can play freely always under your supervision.


The mother I want to be to my children

We all constantly ask ourselves if we are the type of mother we want to be, here is a personal reflection about the type of mother I want to be for my children

bullying and suicide

How to educate parents about bullying

It is important to know in depth any problem to know how to tackle it. Today we explain a little about bullying and the importance of being aware of it.

Baby Alive in Little Toys

We meet this funny doll who really talks, pouts and cries. We will have to take care of it so that it becomes good.

apologize to the children

Learn to apologize and forgive others

Children must learn to apologize through the example and guidance of adults. It is a way of being able to better control conflictive social situations.

happy baby on the lawn

How to have better discipline at home

If you want harmony to exist at home, do not miss these tips to have a better discipline at home and that all of you are well living together as a family.

Earth day

Values ​​to instill in children on Earth Day

 One of the most important values ​​that we must instill in our children is love and respect for the planet we live on. For this reason, on Earth Day, we bring you some ideas to reflect with children about caring for the planet.

Child doing mathematical calculations

What are the multiple intelligences?

According to the theory of multiple intelligences of the psychologist Howard Gardner, the intelligence of each person is the sum of 8 intelligences related to different abilities and capacities. Know what these 8 intelligences are and the main repercussions of this theory in the educational field.

old tricycle

His favorite toy

It may be that your child has many toys, new and shiny, but he just wants to play with that stuffed animal, car or tricycle, which is old, dirty and even broken. Today we explain why this toy is irreplaceable for your child.

tips to encourage reading in children

Tips to encourage reading in children

Reading with the youngest has multiple advantages at a didactic, emotional and family level. Learn tips to encourage reading in children from a young age.

Children and animal care

Today we visit the veterinary clinic of Doctor Toys to take Nenuco's puppy, who is sick. What fun is this video of Toys!

educate without shouting

Tips to educate without yelling

We can all lose our temper at some point, but we should not do it as a form of education. Educating without yelling is much more effective. Find out how!

Bath time with children

We learn how important and fun a daily bath is with our Nenuco doll, who has a great time lathering up and playing with her toys.

the origin of the easter bunny

Why do rabbits lay eggs at Easter?

Where does the custom of hiding eggs at Easter come from? And how is it that a rabbit brings them? We tell you the ancestral origins of this tradition.

Emotions of a child

Don't comfort me with "It's okay."

Sometimes we fall and emerge unscathed, but other times, our skin breaks or our emotions scratch. A whirlwind of them passes through our babies that must be validated and embraced so that our babies grow up emotionally healthy.

when they form memories in children

When do children begin to form memories

Children's brains are like a sponge, but for some reason we have no memories of when we were little. Find out when memories start to form in children and why.

Mother scolding her daughter

The chair and the corner to think?

The chair and the thinking corner are two widely used resources to correct unwanted behaviors in young children. What do they consist of? Are they suitable for all ages? Learn about alternative strategies to these two methods, based on emotional education.

Nenuco gets sick and vomits

We give our two Nenucos a snack, but one gets sick and throws up the bottle, so we have to take her to the doctor to cure her, what fun!


My son is the bully of the class

As wonderful as we think our children are, we may one day find that a classmate is being bullied. Find out here how to deal with the situation.

Bilingualism and diversity

We talk about bilingualism, what it is, how to get your baby to be bilingual and the importance it has in building a diverse society.

intelligence boys and girls

As a boy or a girl?

Why is it important to educate in equality? We tell you the damage that assigning gender roles can do to your children and their development.

8m, pregnant woman

The strength of women in motherhood

Motherhood enhances the strength of women. The strength of women becomes great with motherhood because now it has two directions: towards our daughters, to love and raise them, and towards ourselves, to be their mother, who loves and cares for them, the woman who possesses the values ​​and ideas that he lives and defends.

plant between rocks

How to teach your children to respect nature

To preserve the world in which we live, it is essential that we educate our children and our children to respect nature. We give you some ideas so that we can all learn to conserve our environment.


How to include nature in your home

In order to stop the disconnection from the natural environment that harms the development of children in urban areas, we suggest some ideas to include nature in your home.

Children and animals

We have fun playing in this Pet Parade and with our puppy who has a great time playing and taking a bath in his shower.

We pretend to be a dentist

In this funny video of Little Toys, we play with plasticine to be a dentist, we had a good time, we are almost not afraid to go!

Freedom in children

Peppa and George Pig enjoy jumping in a puddle, they have a good time! And what fun it is to play freely although you have to pay attention to Mom and Dad Pig.

animated stories

Stories alive thanks to augmented reality

En Madres Hoy WE ARE GIVEAWAY two stories that come to life thanks to augmented reality. 'Friends' and 'Valentina!' They will surprise you and your children will enjoy them to the fullest.

how to start the habit of studying books

How to start the habit of studying

How to start the habit of studying, so that the little ones in the house work on all the subjects. Discover the different techniques with Madreshoy.

Pig family visit grandparents

The Pig family visits Grandparents Pig's farm and together they meet all the animals. Peppa and George have a great time bathing in a pond!

Back to school with Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig returns to school and forgets to do the tasks Madame Gazelle sent. What will happen? Don't miss out on this Little Toys video to find out ...

Pregnant woman

The freedom of motherhood

What happens if I decide to breastfeed and dedicate myself exclusively to parenting? And if I do not do it? Is a reflection on the freedom of motherhood necessary?

Discovering Grimm's Rainbow

We know this extraordinary toy used by the Montessori Methodology and we learn some of the possibilities of play that it has.

We know the Bee Bot robot

We learn to play with this little child robot that helps the little ones to get closer to the world of robotics and programming

New toy ideas for Christmas

We visit the Pinypon amusement park in an entertaining and educational video of Little Toys, what a good time they have! How many attractions!

sport in boys and girls

How to help children overcome obstacles

If you want your children to learn to overcome obstacles, you must be their father or mother as well as their teacher. You are his example and the one who teaches him.

kids sharing while playing

How to teach children to share

It seems that sharing is a necessity in our society, but how can children be taught to do it without it being traumatic for them?

Can I get pregnant with precum?

Many women doubt whether we can get pregnant with precum. Here we are going to solve the most common ones so that you stay calm

Girls together

Learn to share

Do we have to teach them to share? If we don't, will he be selfish? Do we want generosity to be born to him or for it to be an educational imposition?

3 keys to working on empathy in children

Children think that the world revolves around them, so it is very important to teach them empathy. In addition to doing it with the example, discover these 3 keys.

Fishing game

Peppa Pig Fishing Kit

In this Toyitos video we are going to learn to play with Peppa Pig's fishing kit and a very fun fishing rod.

Peppa Pig video

Peppa Pig goes bowling

Join Peppa Pig in this new toy video in which we go to the bowling alley to review the numbers and foster friendship with her friends. Are you coming?

child with fear

Sensitive care with boys

Do boys receive different education in their upbringing with respect to girls? If so, would it be necessary to have a more sensitive extra care?

innate creativity children

What is and what is not free play

It is essential to differentiate what is and what is not free play in children, only in this way can the growth of their imagination and creativity be respected.